About United Female Gifts
Our Mission and Beliefs

Our Mission - Empowering You

At United Female Gifts, we believe that by empowering you to uncover and nurture your unique gifts, talents, and spiritual abilities, you can create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. Our mission is to guide and support you on your transformative journey, helping you embrace and share your gifts, and inspiring you to make a lasting impact on your life and the lives of those around you.

We envision a world where your gifts are celebrated and empowered, leading to personal growth, self-discovery, and a more fulfilling life. With United Female Gifts by your side, you'll have access to resources, guidance, and a supportive community that encourages you to explore your untapped potential and awaken the powerful force within.

Our Core Beliefs

United Female Gifts is founded on the principles of self-discovery, empowerment, and sisterhood. Our core beliefs guide our work and shape the resources and support we offer:

  • Every woman has unique gifts and spiritual abilities waiting to be discovered.
  • Embracing our inner power can transform our lives and positively impact the world around us.
  • A supportive community is essential for growth, learning, and shared progress.

Join us on this transformative journey, and together, let's create a world where women's gifts are celebrated and empowered, rather than silenced or suppressed. 

Learn more about the problem we're addressing

and how we're working to solve it.


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We're excited to share this journey with you!

With love,

Wyla, aka Stephanie Ackermann